Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dance Class Cutie

Showing us her dance moves.

Getting ready to leave for dance.

This is it....
Meeting her dance instructor,
Miss Becky.
Emma has only been talking about this day for at least a year now.....going to dance class!  We went and signed her up and bought all of her dance wear.  Every night until the class day arrived Emma slept with her ballet and tap shoes.....yes she did!  Now, that is excitement for you!  She was so happy when class day was upon us....I was pretty excited, too.  When we got to the dance studio I didn't know if she would get nervous and not want to go in, but in true 'Emma style' she waltzed right in like she knew what to do.  It was really cute to see her with all the other little girls.  First she had her ballet class and next it was tap class.  She had a great time in both of them and was definitely not ready to leave when her classes were over.  As we were getting ready to walk out she sat down in the lobby, crossed her arms and gave me a sulky sad face...I asked her what was wrong?  She said she didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay!  Oh Emma, you are so week you will get to do it all over again.=)
Practicing new moves with Miss Becky.
Learning the 5 positions of ballet.
Ready for tap class. =)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Finally.....Soccer begins!
We signed the boys up for soccer 2 months ago, and believe me that was the longest 2 months of their lives.  They didn't understand why they couldn't just start playing.  With great excitement we went to the store and let the boys pick out their cleats, shin guards and they each got a soccer ball. They were so happy.  Of course, Emma was with us and she didn't complain one bit that she didn't get to buy anything.  I was really proud of her. Although I think that her good attitude is due to the fact that she will be signing up for dance in a few days.  Then it will be her turn to go shopping for all her dance things.  So later that afternoon the boys were off to practice and they both had such a great time.  Their coach did a great job teaching them a few basic things and they picked right up on them.  I think they are going to great little players!

Parker in action!
Tucker in action!

Tucker #2
Parker #3
Emma had fun running around on the grass=)