Thursday, May 27, 2010

Love these Boys!

Indoor Camp Out

Goofy Robots
From day to day you just never know what these two silly, little boys are going to come up day it was the indoor camp out.  We put the tent up in the living room for the kids to play in and the boys thought it would be a 'great idea' (that's what they usually say..."that's a great idea, right Mom").  I really didn't think that they would actually sleep in it, but with Dad's encouragement I gave in and let them sleep in the tent.  Parker didn't actually last that long....he really likes his own bed.  Tucker, on the other hand, lasted the whole night!
A few days later they were playing 'Robots', one of their very favorite things to do, and we were able to capture this picture.  It's definitely a keeper! =)

Saturday, May 8, 2010



Finished project.
Admiring our work.

I came across this really cute idea for a Mother's Day gift for Grandma.  The kids & I went outside and they each picked out their own rock to paint.  That in itself was pretty fun for them.  Then when I told them we would be painting them......SUPER excited!  They love to make, color, paint, or build things.  I did have to give them some guidance and help each one, but they all did a great job.  I put their names and the year on the bottom, so we would know the artist of each ladybug.  They were so excited and proud to give them to Grandma and she just loved them.  Now, their three little ladybug rocks are sitting in Papa & Grandma's flower sweet!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Found Treasure

The boys came across these goggles in the garage (fortunately there were two pairs of them) and thought they had found the best treasure yet.  They had to have them and I figured...why not?  They played with them all day and after we had put them to bed that night, we went in to check on them can see by the pictures...they were wearing them to bed!  It's hard for these little guys to stop playing and go to bed.  That's why there are a lot of toys, books, balls, and whatever else they may have, that end up in bed with them.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Off to Church....

It seems like we are always taking pictures of the kids right before we head out the door for church....they always look so cute all dressed up!  So here are just a few pictures before church...the boys had just bought their awesome sunglasses and of course they had to wear them for the picture.  They did, however, leave them in the car at church(not by choice).  Also, Emma's dress was actually her Christmas dress...I hated for it to never be worn again.  So, I just replaced the Christmas ribbon around the waist with the pale pink sash and rose.  I then made the matching headband....must always have matching hair accessories. =)  Did you know it's really hard to find cute neck ties for little boys?  So I decided to make them some.  The boys just love their 'Cars' ties.
What good looking kids!
Beautiful Girl
Check out the headband..